The VERSA-LOK Ultra retaining wall system offers VERSA-LOK's renowned durability and stunning looks in a lighter weight unit that opens up a new world of design options, either on its own or in combination with other VERSA-LOK units. Its six-inch height makes it easy to integrate with Standard, Cobble, and Accent units.
Product and color availability might be limited in some regions. Contact your local dealer for more information.

*This is the maximum stable unreinforced height for 12-inch deep VERSA-LOK units in optimum conditions. Poor soils, additional loading, or slopes on top of a wall or bottom of a wall will reduce the maximum stable unreinforced height.
CAD Details
Curves & Corners
Fence & Railing
- Ultra guide specifications (.doc) 67.00 KB
- Ultra guide specifications (.txt) 20.48 KB