Square Foot CleanCut
The new CleanCut™ texture is revolutionizing all you can do with VERSA-LOK Square Foot™ wall units. Square Foot is VERSA-LOK's premium cored unit that delivers a full square foot of wall face economically, making it a low-cost alternative for many applications. VERSA-LOK Square Foot CleanCut wall units offer a crisp, contemporary face option. This wall unit is a premium cored unit that covers a full square foot of wall face economically, making it a low-cost alternative for many applications. Its trapezoidal shape and top-pinning system allow for variable bond construction, accurate alignment, tighter vertical joints and easy installation. Square Foot CleanCut's unique design enables a near-vertical setback, and its thick face affords greater durability than other cored systems.
Contact your local manufacturer for information about Square Foot CleanCut unit and color availability.

*This is the maximum stable unreinforced height for 12-inch deep VERSA-LOK units in optimum conditions. Poor soils, additional loading, or slopes on top of a wall or bottom of a wall will reduce the maximum stable unreinforced height.